Mike Image gallery
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of 4
Mike C,Jony Dyke(Patricia Kaas,Elkie Brooks,Will Young),Mike Smith,Mike Richardson.jpg
Mike C,Mike Richardson,Andy Newmark,Jean Roussel,Brian Badhams.jpg
Mike c,Mike Richardson,Billy Ocean,Jean Roussel,Geoff Whitehorn.jpg
Mike C,Mike Richardson,George Muranyi(Van Morrisson).jpg
Mike Richardson , Brandon Christy-Fownes(Elkie Brooks,Boyzone,The Matrix Los Angeles).JPG
Mike Richardson, Dave Eyre ( Hardcase), Mike C.jpg
Mike, Elkie Brooks.jpg
Mike, Marten ,end of session!Paris.jpg
Pat Foley ( Gibson Artist Relations) Mike C.JPG
Pat Foley ,Jimmy Page.JPG
Paul Westwood (bass), Jean Roussel , Jerry Conway (drums), Mike Richardson , Al Hodge , Mike c.JPG
Rehearsing song at Konk with Suzie Quatro)(2).jpg
Rikki , Guitar Tech.JPG
Roger Inniss , Mike C ,Rikki Sellar , Jony Dyke , Mike Richardson.JPG
Suzie Quatro , Al Hodge.JPG
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